Monthly Archives: April 2017

Google Ads Script to Pause Ads When your Prices aren’t Competitive
E-commerce websites are now vulnerable to price wars from competitors who want to gain more market share. When a competitor makes an aggressive price move, one of the first steps you should take is to stop the marketing activity of the affected products/services, until you think about how your participation should look like. So, you avoid…

Quality Score Analysis via Google Data Studio
Quality score is the second-largest component in calculating the Ad Rank, a higher quality score can lead to lower prices and better ad position. Basically, it’s a key to a successful Google Ads campaign, you can determine any account’s health by the quality of its ads and keywords. In this post, you will learn how to…
Custom Dimensions and Metrics in Enhanced Ecommerce
Google Analytics enhanced ecommerce enables the measurement of user interactions with products on ecommerce websites across the user’s shopping experience. It measures product page views, adding and removing products from shopping carts, initiated, abandoned, and completed transactions. Enhanced ecommerce comes with a group of predefined dimensions & metrics that represent info about the products sent to GA (e.g….
Troubleshooting Dynamic Remarketing Ads
Dynamic Remarketing is one of the most powerful solutions to drive more online sales. It took ad customization to a next level by showcasing products that are tailored to each individuals browsing behavior. However, the whole process of setting up dynamic remarketing could be quite complicated for many marketers, there are different specs in terms of feed…