Tag Archives: Analytics
Troubleshooting Too Low Bounce Rate in GA
Google Analytics calculates bounce rate as the percentage of single page visits or single interaction. Google does this by measuring the time of the first arrival of a visitor, and if there isn’t a second interaction within 30 minutes, it counts as a” Bounce”. For example, let’s say someone lands on your website, this is now by…
Expose Client & User ID in Google Analytics
Google Analytics uses a unique identifier to determine if two hits belong to the same user, the unique identifier associated with that particular user must be sent with each hit. GA accomplishes this via Client ID which is a unique, randomly generated string that gets stored in the browser’s cookies, so subsequent visits to the same…
Select The Best Chart For Your Report
Selecting the best chart or graph is very important to tell your story and communicate the information you want. In this article, we will learn how to choose the best chart for your performance report and data analysis based on our objective. To create a chart, you need first to understand why you might need…
Diminishing Returns in Performance Marketing
The law of diminishing returns is an economic principle stating that as an investment in a particular area increase, the rate of profit from that investment, after a certain point, cannot continue to increase if other variables remain at a constant. Let’s take a real-life example, suppose if you are thirsty then as soon as…
Advanced Performance Forecasting Techniques
Forecasting is a key element in conducting your performance media plans and campaigns’ success, before we explain how to forecast, we have to understand what regression analysis is. Regression analysis according to Wikipedia is a statistical process for estimating the relationships among variables. It allows us to make predictions about future outcomes by estimating the…
Automatically Import Refund Data into Google Analytics
Data Import is one of Google Analytics powerful features that lets you integrate data from a variety of external business systems to gain a better understanding of your customers’ behavior. You can import refund data into GA and even use the imported data for reporting, segmentation and remarketing, giving you a complete and accurate view of…