Category Archives: Optimize
Advanced Ads Customization via AdWords IF Functions
AdWords IF Functions allow advertisers to tailor ads by device or audience type. You can insert a specific message in your ads when a condition is met, based on who is searching and what device they are searching for. AdWords IF statement is similar to ad customizer which adapts your text ads to what someone…

Google Ads Script to Set Radius Targeting in Bulk
AdWords Editor does actually support proximity targets where you set the radius targeting of your campaigns via uploading the longitude and altitude in a specific format. However, a common issue that you might face when adding your location targets in bulk is “Unresolved Location” where the editor doesn’t recognize the areas’ addresses. This might result…

Google Ads Script to Export a Monthly Spend Report vs PO Number
Many media agencies struggle every month to generate a spend report for each purchase order number, so the finance team can settle accounts’ invoices and payments. The manual process can be time-consuming and mistakes could happen, especially if the number of accounts is large. To automate the process, we’ve written an MCC AdWords script that…
Feed Optimization via Google Sheets
How many times you wanted to change something in your Google Shopping or Dynamic Retargeting feed, but you had to wait so long for a web developer resource to free up. You just might have wanted to add a new currency to your shopping campaigns, push a custom label of your best selling products or…

Google Ads Script to Check Ad Groups without Expanded Text Ads
AdWords no longer supports the standard text ads, any new text ads generated should use the expanded text ad format. So, if you haven’t made a full transition, you actually need to hurry up and migrate all of your standard ads to the new expanded text ads. Today, we developed a new simple AdWords script that you…

Google Ads Script to Exclude Locations Automatically
Recently, we had an interesting case with one of our clients where he always needed to exclude different locations from his Google Ads campaigns based on the business availability. This used to happen very often and the client used to come back to us every couple of days asking to exclude and include different certain…
Is my AdWords Account Fully Optimized?
Many performance marketers always want to know the secret to AdWords success. They wonder what advanced features other accounts use and what a master AdWords account looks like. I am sure you’ve heard this question many times, is my AdWords account fully optimized? Today we are going answer all of these questions, but before we…
Dynamic Product Pricing Using Ad Customizer
Ad customizer is an underutilized feature within the AdWords platform. It allows advertisers to dynamically insert content into their ads based on certain parameters pulled from a datasheet that they have uploaded. It adapts your text ads to what someone is searching for, which device she’s using, where he’s located, or even the date, time of day,…

How to Calculate Your Break-Even CPC?
There are many ways to determine what CPC amount to set for your campaigns. You can figure this out based on your targets, what you know about your business, or the value of your sales. In this article, we will go through two approaches to calculating your ideal CPC. Whether you have a target cost…
Advanced Performance Forecasting Techniques
Forecasting is a key element in conducting your performance media plans and campaigns’ success, before we explain how to forecast, we have to understand what regression analysis is. Regression analysis according to Wikipedia is a statistical process for estimating the relationships among variables. It allows us to make predictions about future outcomes by estimating the…