Monthly Archives: January 2017

Run Search Query Report Like a Pro Using Google Ads Scripts
One of the most important reports of managing AdWords campaigns is the search query report. You need to see the actual search queries that trigger your ads to identify new terms to add to your positive keywords and find undesired search terms and add them as negative keywords. Actually, the process can be time-consuming if you manage…
The Complete Google Analytics Audit Checklist
It is critical to make sure you are basing your decisions on accurate data. In addition to having reliable data, you want to make sure that your data is both relevant and actionable. Therefore, today we’ve pulled together a comprehensive Google Analytics audit checklist to help you audit your account and make sure your data…

Automate Weekly Reports Using Google Ads Scripts
Searching for a tool or a service that can easily enable you to report and create dashboards of your Google Adwords campaigns. No Need, we have written a Google Ads script that will save you an hour every week. Either you are on the agency side or the client side, creating Google Ads weekly reports…
Feed Optimization via Google Sheets
How many times you wanted to change something in your Google Shopping or Dynamic Retargeting feed, but you had to wait so long for a web developer resource to free up. You just might have wanted to add a new currency to your shopping campaigns, push a custom label of your best selling products or…

Google Ads Script to Check Ad Groups without Expanded Text Ads
AdWords no longer supports the standard text ads, any new text ads generated should use the expanded text ad format. So, if you haven’t made a full transition, you actually need to hurry up and migrate all of your standard ads to the new expanded text ads. Today, we developed a new simple AdWords script that you…